Friday, November 28, 2008

Following up on "The Minneapolis Vulgarian"

In the interest of presenting some more complications (actually, some more he said/she said), I wanted to include a bit of the reaction from Prince's apparent denunciation of homosexuality. This caused quite a bit of consternation across the internet (not the least, from me). Enough consternation that one of Prince's people started putting out the word that Prince was misquoted. Claire Hoffman, the writer of the piece, claims otherwise (hardly surprising) and also says that she wasn't allowed to bring a taperecorder to the interview. So for a summary of some of the developments from Prince's camp, click here. For some further information from The New Yorker's Claire Hoffman on the experience of interviewing Prince, go here.

PS: "The Minneapolis Vulgarian" is Stanley Crouch's description of Prince from his classic polemical take-down of Miles Davis, "On the Corner: The Sellout of Miles Davis." You can find it here. I don't really agree with anything that Crouch has to say about music, but I do have to admit that he pushes a mean pen, as the kids say. On the same page that features that pithy description of Prince, he also has a pretty wild description of Miles Davis's late-career fusion, describing it as a "sound so decadent it can no longer disguise the shriveling of its maker's soul." I hope one day that I do something so objectionable to a man like Crouch that it warrants that kind of phrase.

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